Athlete of the Month – Sep 2015 – Neala Jones

Name: Neala Jones
Age: 40
Occupation: Budget Analyst
Years doing triathlon? 1.5 years
First Triathlon? Mother’s Day Ladies Choice Tri up in Northern Virginia (After the race we drove down to Summerfield, NC to look at houses and the next day we put an offer on the house we live in. It was a busy weekend.)
Your favorite triathlon? I have enjoyed them all, but I really enjoyed the Frankenmuth, Michigan Olympic Triathlon I did this summer because I have many memories of visiting there as a child. Having my family there to cheer me on was a huge bonus.
Meal the night before race? Varies, but I try to keep it plain and simple.
Pre-Race Meal? Oatmeal with Almond Milk
Race Nutrition? Working on this, but right now it is Clif Bloks and GU.
Favorite motivational training song? Please don’t laugh, but I have always liked Bicycle Racy by Queen. Sometimes I catch myself singing it to the beat of my pedals turning.
Favorite mantra? Don’t let the wind blow an opportunity away. Grab ahold of it and go for it.
Key Workout? I would say that a key workout is a Brick to practice the transition from the bike to the run. However, my favorite workout is any bike ride when I am able to let my “To Do” list escape from my thoughts.
Best Triathlon training or racing tip? The best racing tip I have is to start the swim at a relaxing pace and you can always go faster later on. It just sets the stage for the rest of the race.
Triathlon literature or other sources of information? I think the best information you can get are those little tidbits you hear from other racers. I have glanced thru some books and information online, but the best has come from in-person information from other Triad Tri Team members or coaches.
Who inspires you? I am inspired by my husband who supports me thru it all and gets out there and rocks the bike leg when we do a relay tri. I am also pushed to do my best by my kids in hopes that they will see that hard work and practice pay off. I want my kids to know that anyone can do just about anything if they put their heart into. (I am personally inspired by the overweight child I was growing up. It is great to see how far I have come.)
Future goal? I am signed up for my first Half Ironman at Beach to Battleship in October. I am very excited and a tad nervous.

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