Athlete of the Month – May 2019 – Ricky Currier

Name: Ricky Currier

Age: 25

Occupation: Resident Application Engineer

Years Doing Triathlon? 2 Years

First Triathlon? Alum Creek Mini Tri

Your favorite triathlon? Anything with a short swim and a flat course.

Meal the night before race? Pizza and beer (just one… ok, maybe two). I then end the night with a sodium drink (like NBS preload) which may or may not prevent cramps.

Pre-Race Meal? Since I mainly do short course, I typically eat a honey stinger waffle before leaving the house and take a gel about 30 min before the race.

Race Nutrition? Water on the bike and whatever on course electrolyte they have on the run (again only short course experience). I have 70.3 Ohio coming up this July, which will require more calories. my current plan is to carry water, gels, and chews on the bike and then use the Gatorade endurance and water on the run course. Minimizing the food in my belly for the run. This plan will probably fall apart, but I have accepted this.

Favorite motivational training song? Since I am a firm believer in train as you race, I try to not listen to music during training. However, if I am stuck on a treadmill, I prefer to listen to faster rock music, such as Metallica or Avenged Sevenfold.

Favorite Mantra? “just keep swimming” – Dory

Key Workout? Brick workouts. It should be swimming, but I hate swimming so much that I just focus on what I’m better at (don’t do what I do).

Best triathlon training or racing tip? Train how you race. I train sockless to prepare for racing sockless, I find the easiest way to shave time is off transition. Transition time is “free” time. I can’t compete in the water, on the bike, or on the run, but I can go through transitions faster than most.

Triathlon literature or other sources of information? I find a lot of things online, typically related to bike upgrades. I tend to nerd out buying speed instead of getting better.

Who inspires you? Lance Armstrong (Too soon?) The finishers I see finishing Ironmans right at the time of cut off. Seeing the struggle and determination in their faces makes me want to try to push myself and find my limits.

Future goal or bucket list race? Escape from Alcatraz sounds awesome! i’m also looking into more obscure multisport events. Master of the Mountain in NM (trail run, kayak, bike, shotgun course) is one I would like to try next year. As well as some formula 1 style races. I am trying to mix things up, so I don’t lose interest in this great sport.

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