Athlete of the Month – June 2021 – Amanda Whicker

Name: Amanda Whicker
Age: 43
Occupation: Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor Supervisor

Years doing triathlon? Going on 6
First Triathlon? Ramblin Rose WS, 2016

Your favorite triathlon? This is a hard one for me. I would say Ramblin Rose since it is the one that made me a triathlete, but I really like Lake Norman, but then there is IM Half in Wilmington that even though I didn’t finish it was an experience like nothing else

Meal the night before race? Steak, Baked Potato, Mushrooms

Pre-Race Meal? So I am really bad about this part, but typically a bagel with peanut butter

Race Nutrition? Water w/electrolytes and if it is a longer tri there may be some food

Favorite motivational training song? Big Girl You Are Beautiful by Mika

Favorite mantra? You Are Enough

Key Workout? For me there isn’t just one, but since running is my least favorite I tend to give it more attention. I love swimming so the more of that I can do I like.

Best Triathlon training or racing tip? Race for yourself and not against anyone; My Race, My Pace

Triathlon literature or other sources of information? Tri friends (they have been through it all); pod casts

Who inspires you? Kayce Clodfelter, fellow TTT member, amazing person and friend. She is a rock star and when things are tough she doesn’t give up

Future goal or bucket list race? None at this time, but there may just be another attempt at half ironman or at least that distance.

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