Athlete of the Month – July 2021 – Lionel Alva

Name: Lionel Alva
Age: 48
Occupation: IT Manager

Years doing triathlon? 2
First Triathlon? Smiley Triathlon 2019
Your favorite triathlon? Smiley

Meal the night before race? Any rice-based meal to carb load.

Pre-Race Meal? Couple slices of Toast & butter, banana, and tea.

Race Nutrition? Gu Salted Caramel Gel every 45 minutes.

Favorite motivational training song? None, I do not listen to music while I train.

Favorite mantra? “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

Key Workout? Swim Run or Bike Run Brick sessions as per my coach. Long runs while I train for marathons.

Best Triathlon training or racing tip? Start slow and pace smart, go for negative splits if you can. Don’t skip on nutrition and hydration.

Triathlon literature or other sources of information? Youtube videos
Who inspires you? Herbert Krabel (Swim Run NC director) and Rajesh Durbal (World’s only triple amputee to complete Ironman World Championship)

Future goal or bucket list race?

  1. Qualify for Boston Marathon (I need about 7 minutes PR to qualify)
  2. 50 marathons in 50 States.
  3. Complete a 50 miler.
  4. Complete Half Ironman in next 2- 3 years provided I overcome my fear of Open Water Swimming .
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